Yamaha RS100, DT100, RD200, RS200 0.25 Piston Rings (52.25mm)


Yamaha RS100, DT100, RD200, RS200 0.25 Piston Rings (52.25mm)
Yamaha replacement Piston rings for x1 piston at 0.25 oversze
in bin HR8 H948321

Only 1 left in stock

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Yamaha RS100, DT100, RD200, RS200 0.25 Piston Rings (52.25mm)
Yamaha replacement Piston rings for x1 piston at 0.25 oversze
in bin HR8 H948321

**note** Some early models are fitted with dykes stepped top piston ring this is for replacement or original pistons with standard type rings!

Additional information

Weight 0.25 kg